
Qlikview Controller

POST QlikView/AddUser

Adds a user to QlikView custom database.

POST QlikView/AddGroup

Adds a group to QlikView custom database.

POST QlikView/AddUserToGroup

Adds the user to a group

POST QlikView/ValidateUser

Validates if a user is already added to QlikView custom database

POST QlikView/DeleteUser

Deletes a user from QlikView custom database

POST QlikView/DeleteUserFromGroup

Deletes a user from a group

POST QlikView/DeleteGroup

Deletes a group from QlikView custom database

POST QlikView/GetQlikViewDocumentURL

Creates a webticket for the passed in user and document, and returns the QlikView document redirect URL.

POST QlikView/GetQlikViewDocuments

Gets documents available for the passed-in user

POST QlikView/GetUsers

Gets users from QlkView custom database.

POST QlikView/GetGroupsByUser

Gets QlikView groups associated with a user from QlkView custom database.

POST QlikView/GetAllUserGroups

Gets QlikView groups for all users from QlkView custom database.

POST QlikView/CreateQlikViewDocumentFromDefaultTemplate

Creates a QlikView document from an existing template (.qvw) configured for the requesting application

POST QlikView/UploadQikViewDocument

Uploads a QlikView document (.qvw) for the requesting application

POST QlikView/DeleteQlikViewDocument

Deletes the passed-in QlikView document for the requesting application

POST QlikView/AddDocumentAuthorization

Authorizes the passed in User or Group to access the QlikView document.

POST QlikView/RemoveDocumentAuthorization

Removes the authorization for passed in User or Group from accessing the QlikView document.

POST QlikView/GetQlikViewCALInformation

Gets the QlikView CAL information

POST QlikView/GetQVDocumentURLWithNoHeader

Creates a webticket for the passed in user and document, and returns the QlikView document redirect URL which doesnot dispaly header in the document.

POST QlikView/ReloadQlikViewDocument

Creates a request queue to reload the document and returns Queue Id.

POST QlikView/GetQlikViewDocumentReloadStatus

Returns the recent document reload status for the passed-in qlikview document name